About Us

Giving women across Australia a pathway to success in aviation.

A one-of-a-kind community for female leaders, who are ambitious, innovative, supportive & connected.

Our network has been developing for over five years and our industry coverage is extensive allowing women to connect with networks and opportunities not accessible otherwise.

Our women are in high demand for executive & board positions.

Amanda Rose – Founder & CEO

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Michelle Huntington – Leadership Specialist

Growing up and living in Western Sydney often has a stigma with a negative connotation, preventing women from realising their true potential and to live a safe, happy and financially secure life. 

I realised this occurs across all states of Australia and that is why Mentoring Women was developed, to provide the same opportunities for girls and women in key areas across Australia who miss out becuase of where they live.

My passion is to give a voice to the voiceless and to instigate generational change for women.

“Once a woman is equipped with confidence, connected to resources and provided with support, nothing can stop her from achieving greatness.”

Michelle had always wanted to fly planes, ever since she'd been a young girl with her Dad in the RAAF.

With the belief that she could do anything she set her mind to, Michelle navigated her way through gender-bias, lightening strikes and cancer to fulfil her desire to fly.

Life then threw every challenge at her journey to becoming a Captain, making it an extremely difficult one.

Developing the mindset of 'keep going until you can't',

Michelle learnt how to become more than just resilient, she became anti-fragile.